rob darling  :  equipment


Anyone who has ever recorded knows it can be frustrating using technology to catch art, but it is a big reward when you capture something compelling about a performance and move people.

Recording and mixing sound is a tricky thing...  our brains filter how we perceive the sounds around us and no one has managed to make a recording system that works the way we hear.

So recording becomes a funny effort to understand what the performer is trying to communicate and then to translate what you think you hear in the room by manipulating the equipment you have on hand. 

I’ve worked to create a system that tries to get out of the way of the music and the creative process very quickly, to feed back to artists exactly what they put out, so they don’t have to struggle against the equipment; so they can just focus on the important things- their songs, their instruments, and their performances.

The system is modular and flexible: from simple two-channel live location recordings to 100-channel mixes, from acoustic singer-songwriter demos to modern live/programmed rock production, it can serve an amazing range of needs at the highest level.

Whatever the project and its needs, we can work to create a great recording that will communicate just the way you want.

- rob darling


•  2 x Grado HMP-1

•  2 x Sanken CU-44

•  2 x Sanken CMS-2

  1. 4 x Sanken CU-32

  2. 1 x Sanken CU-31

  3. 1 x Sanken CS-1

  4. 2 x Sanken COS-11

  5. dynamic mics by Shure, Electrovoice, Audix

  6. 2 x SPL Transducer Amp Load Conversion

Microphone Pre-Amplifiers

• 24 channels GML 8304

full band tracking capability with the ultimate quality

Digital Conversion

  1. 16 channels of Mytek 8x192 AD/DA

  2. 16 channels of Apogee AD-16x AD

  3. RME ADI 648 64 Channel Madi Optical conversion

  4. 32 channel digital high resolution recording to 96khz

  5. MADI Fiber Optic connection up to 100 yards in live settings


  1. Manley ML-10

  2. Proac Studio 100

  3. Yamaha NS-10 with custom Hovland Musicap Crossover

  4. Emes Owl Loudspeaker

Headphone System

  1. Furman Personal Cue System


  1. 2 x Meridian G-57


•  GML 8900 Dynamics Controller

  1. All plugins by Universal Audio

  2. All plugins by SPL

  3. All plugins by Soundtoys

  4. All plugins by Softube

  5. Slate Digital Trigger drum replacement

  6. Celemony Melodyne pitch correction

  7. Altiverb 6 sampling reverb

Software Platforms

  1. Cubase 6

  2. Protools 8

Instruments and Amplifiers

  1. Yamaha CP-70b piano

  2. Ludwig 1972 Vistalite drums, 5 piece clear

  3. Fender Bassman 5F6A clone by Ceriatone

  4. Trainwreck Liverpool AC-30 clone by Ceriatone

  5. Marshall Plexi-50 clone by Ceriatone

  6. Fender Champ clone by Ceriatone

  7. Ampeg SVT-vr

  8. Ampeg B-12

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